Friday, February 28, 2020


Some few weeks ago, an issue of procurement deal busted on campus labelled as “Fact Sheets”, though it lacked facts, drew my attention to launch interest in this current SRC Procurement deals. Investigations and reports from credible sources have revealed fact findings from series of intriguing events of the now SRC administration.
One of its kinds is a contract of the previous administration which the latter had to suffice its conditions. Reports indicate that, the school Managements which was in charge of procurement for the past SRC abrogated a contract which was awarded to DELCARO ENT on the basis of delay in supplying souvenirs to the SRC. The Offeree then considered it a breach and threatened to sue the SRC against judgement debt, this propelled the now students’ administration to make a swift move to pay the Offeree in order not to cause financial loss.
Fast forward, the SRC commenced another procurement process through the National Competitive Tendering in the Daily Graphic on Tuesday 20 January,2020 to supply students with souvenirs and the same DELCARO ENT has shown up by letter claiming that the past SRC led by Raphael Elorm Dzivenu verbally awarded it a contract to supply the school with clothing souvenirs to the tune of 7000 yards pegged at GHS 27.00 per yard which sum up to GHS 189,000.00. The company has again written to the SRC demanding that they toss the coin in their favour either than that they will place an injunction on the on-going procurement process (The initial approach they used to scare the SRC to make the first payment). Therefore, the SRC should halt the National Competitive Tendering and the procurement process for the said company to preside over this contract too otherwise they will be subpoenaed.
Report reaching my desk indicates that, executives from the previous administration have stated clearly that they have not signed any contractual agreement with DELCARO ENT to produce clothing souvenir for Koforidua Technical University (KTU) for the year under review. Again, the document which the company presented as proof was only an invitation to negotiation and void of contractual agreement which serves as no means to make the company eligible for the claims.
I therefore write to reiterate the law that it is illicit for the SRC to compromise to the claims by DELCARO ENT and call on them to exhibit due diligence, contrary to it will surmount to sole sourcing procurement deal which is against the procurement laws of KTU. They should note also that every contract awarded is expected to go through the competitive process to ensure value for money. School Management has opened the platform for tendering and bidding, we expect that the said company goes through the procedure. For the sake of fairness, I call on the SRC President, the Procurement Officer, and the Chief Justice to gist the students’ body on the matter and provide      in-depth explanation. Thank you.


Friday, February 21, 2020


             Computer as an electronic device is designed to make work easier and faster. Its relevance has hugely facilitated development and has now become impossible to live without. Virtually, its evolution has solved lots of problems which were traditionally or manually dealt with spanning from E-Commerce; Online shopping, ordering food online, online delivery services, the use of automated machines at the bank to the usage of programs; MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS Access, SPSS, and Adobe Photoshop etc. Advanced countries like China, Germany, Singapore and many more developed through the use of computer technology in developing multinational companies which generated huge income that enlarged their economy.

Competition on the job market has made numerous companies resort to the use of computers and robots to matchup the rising standard. Hence, Human Resource Managers now short-list applicants based on pre-requisite knowledge in operating the computer and application softwares in relation to the job description. Below are topical discussions on some softwares used in various firms which is necessary to possess basic knowledge in manipulating to get employment opportunities.

MS-Word is a widely used product package from Microsoft created purposely for drafting and preparing Newsletters, Journals, Letters, Reports, Budgetary, Projects and many more. It comes with a user friendly interface, easily located buttons and toolbars, and makes readily available tools for editing, formatting and saving. Its unique features make it a preferable mode of documentation by most companies to paper based documentation. This is highly recommended for Secretary Ship and Management related jobs.

Another most used programs in the field of Statistics, Finance and Marketing etc. are SPSS and MS- EXCEL. These programs specifically aids; organizing financial data, collating of statistical data, keeping sales records, calculating inventories, and preparation of numerical based reports. It is embedded with statistical tools like; histogram, bar chart, pie chart as well as predefined formulae known as functions. Its worksheet is designed with adjustable rows and columns and capable of receiving data such as labels and values.

PowerPoint software is used in presentation of projects, marketing products for auctioneering, health and safety sensitization, tendering for a contract etc. Its features use animations, images (audio-visual mode of communication) in presenting. It is a required tool for Marketers to help reach clients by reviewing detailed information of stocks on sale.
Lastly, Adobe Photoshop, aids commercialism for the Fashion Designers. It has varying designing tools that gives pleasing effects to images of Models, it is used in designing; model magazines, social media fly outs, designing of brands etc. Owing to its usage, knowledge in manipulating the program will help fashion designers to put on more value for commercialism.
            In conclusion, computer literacy in relation to various fields of work must be considered vital because, skills in operating and using the computer gives an advantage over the layperson, know your job market, know the skill required to enter and pursue. In view of this we will be treating the various softwares into details in our subsequent articles.


Friday, February 7, 2020


Whistle-blowers are relevant in our new political administration to inform concerned citizens and to expose atrocities of people occupying political offices who want to embezzle funds to enrich themselves, notwithstanding, such a system can be corrupted by the whistle-blowers if the concerned don’t demand accuracy in the report they produce. Lots of concerns were raised when the Procurement Officer of the Koforidua Technical University (KTU) Mr. Godwin Elorm Ahiaku was charged as corrupt with a baseless “Facts Sheet” which is as insipid as rancid butter. Stakeholders probed into the sour story and found evidence in the “Daily Graphic” proving that the so-called “Facts Sheet” is a material of character assassination. (See attachment below for proof). 

Page ’41 of the Daily Graphic published on 28 January 2020 shows advertisement for National Competitive Tendering (NCT) signed by the Registrar indicating that; the procurement process has not gotten to the stage where the “Facts Sheet” points out, the Procurement Officer does not have utmost control over the process, therefore, he’s not the pilot of procurement deal, no company has been given the contract yet hence “Suppliers and VENMARK CO. LTD” are misplaced dictions, price per souvenir has not been bargained, and no deal of whooping 30K ensued. 

Formulating hypothesis, making of analysis, and drawing inference logically uncover the sore of the anonymous. It shows that the whisper from the corridors is defamation on the part of the            Noble Godwin Elorm Ahiaku and must be considered as null and void.

I commend my fellow writers especially Odihene Martin Otchere and Victor Togoh who joined to channel grievances and called for sanity into our system by challenging the rosily concocted fairytale. It’s preposterous that the Facts Sheet is bereft of facts, therefore, needs not to be applauded.



Following an alleged scandal against the SRC procurement officer of the Koforidua Technical University (KTU), Noble Godwin Elorm Ahiaku by an anonymous concerned level 300 student, I therefore write to critically seek clarification on the subject matter on the basis of fairness on the part of the SRC executives, and the entire student populace.
I personally think KTU students deserve better than the current standard at which things are done by students, authorities and sometimes student leadership, as allegations raised against people do not only tarnish their image but the school as well, this substandard in our system requires attention and correction as we move forward.

To begin with, I challenge the writer to provide a proof of the deal that the procurement officer is a statutory of as evidence for us to believe that there’s no conflict of interest.
Also, the facts sheet did not give much information about the said company (VENMARK CO.LTD.) that is involved in the tendering process. To be fair to the entire student populace, it should be made known, the identity of the company by disclosing either their location and website and appropriate documents to show that it is a registered company. (Reference item #1 on the Facts Sheet)

Again, (Reference item #2 on the Facts Sheet) mentioned names of some SRC executives who were responsible for halting the “Shady deal”. We therefore call on the aforementioned names to be bold to speak on the matter because we believe the committee might involve some of the names mentioned in the procurement process and they are in the best position to let the cat out of the cupboard.

Furthermore, “He who alleges owns the mandate to proof”, hence we need details of the suppliers so that the concerned student body can verify the dialogue that ordered them to price the souvenirs in the interest of Mr Godwin Elorm Ahiaku. We only had a gist that falsehood has been peddled against the SRC President but didn’t give a detailed account of the falsified story. We want to know what he has been saying about the President. (Reference item #3 and #4 on the Facts Sheet)

Finally, “The SRC procurement officer is a wolf in sheep skin that is pretending to be working but rather stealing to enrich his greedy self”, such statement is very unprofessional and censure. You don’t pronounce someone guilt of an offense if you don’t have evidence to prove. We therefore call on the SRC President His Excellency Sarfo Obed Kantanka to break the afternoon silence since he is the mouthpiece of the student body.



Students of Koforidua Technical University have recently expressed concerns about the poor state of learning materials and have registered d...